
How do we determine if K2 Business Solutions can help us?


The first step is an introductory meeting. During this meeting the client gives a general overview of his/her business (company structure, products and/or services, customers, areas of weakness, general strengths, company goals, etc...). In addition, the client can focus on issues that they have identified as needing  to be addressed. We will discuss the above, and answer any questions you may have pertaining to experience and/or our ability to identify the “areas of  focus” or work that needs to be done.

The second step is a written proposal by K2 Business Solutions. In this proposal, we identify specific areas (projects) where we believe we can help. 

Each project is outlined, the specific deliverables are identified, and a time frame (budget) is quoted.

Finally, upon a review of the projects, the client chooses those that it wants to proceed with, and we mutually agree upon a deliverable date.


Is it possible to work at night or after hours?


Absolutely.  We will do whatever we can to put together a schedule that works for both parties. 


There are so many things that we need to work on, where do we begin?


After meeting with you, we will identify the areas that need work, and prioritize them in a logical way that will allow us to build a strong foundation for growth.


What happens if you get another project while you are working on ours?


Every client is treated in the same professional way. We never commit to a new project  and/or client unless we are 100% certain that we can finish the job properly and in a timely manner.


Does your firm travel if required, and if so, how would the payment schedule work?


Generally, we do whatever is necessary to complete a project. If travel is required, we work out an arrangement that is fair for both parties.


What happens if K2 Business Solutions does not have the necessary skill-set to handle a specific project?


We never quote on a project that we are not comfortable with. If we cannot handle something because it is not within our areas of expertise, we will do our best to help our client find someone else who can help. We have a tremendous network of contacts that we communicate with on a regular basis.